as a Theatre Manager and Actor
Veronica Elena Holley is an actor at heart, and an organizer by trade.
Currently, Veronica has been chosen as the House Manager for the the 2023-2024 season at the Riverside Community Players in Riverside California. She is delighted to assist in the continued success of this theatre-in-the-round as they near their 100th season!
In the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Veronica endeavored to build a small theatre company, Unnamed Theatre Company, where she is the Founder and the Producing Artistic Director. Based in Irvine, California, but playing wherever a venue welcomes them, UTC's mission is to uplift and empower the voices of the unheard, the unattended to and the undesired. The Unnamed Theatre Company is a proud organizational member of the Orange County Theatre Guild.
Many in theatre circles know Veronica as their stage manager. She challenges herself to organize a seamless production, every time. Veronica continues to freelance-stage manage in her off-time.
Productions she has stage managed include: (Long Beach Playhouse) - Urinetown, COMPANY, Guys and Dolls. (Newport Theatre Arts Center) - Death By Design. (On The Edge Shakespeare) - Taming of the Shrew: Reverse. (American Coast Theater Company) - Rosencrans and Guildenstern Are Dead, James and the Giant Peach, Jr.
Veronica's love for the theatre was born out of her love of acting. She is trained in the Meisner, Chekhov and Uta Hagen Techniques. She has classical training in Shakespeare. Though her first love will always be acting, she has chosen this to remain a love affair and not a career. When time permits, you may find her on the stage soon!
Productions she has performed in include: (Vanguard University) - Lord of the Flies, Metamorphoses, Blue Kettle, Life Without Parole. (On The Edge Shakespeare) - Macbeth. (Modjeska Playhouse) - Five Women Wearing the Same Dress. (Unnamed Theatre Company) - The Great Theatre of the World.